Vintage Wrought Iron Tripod Side Table With Undulating Edge Detail, Circa 1940s

Vintage Wrought Iron Tripod Side Table With Undulating Edge Detail, Circa 1940s


Vintage Wrought Iron Tripod Side Table With Undulating Edge Detail, Circa 1940s. A superb example of wrought iron craftsmanship. The round tabletop with crimped edge leads to a central post, splitting into three soft arching splayed legs. Each leg terminates in a hammered pad foot. The best wrought iron designs are able to achieve a delicate quality, while also utilizing the strength of the material. This piece is balance exemplified. Refreshed in-house, the tabletop is painted matte black (as is was originally) leaving the hammered metal post and legs raw. Unbranded, but likely of Spanish origin.

Condition: Excellent vintage condition. We have refreshed the top surface of this piece with matte black paint. The table shows light signs of wear with varied surface patina, and small areas of denting and edge creasing along the top surface, as detailed in images.

Specs: 23 1/8” H | 20” Diameter (Top) | 15 3/4” Distance Leg to Leg

** Due to the scale of this piece, this item is available for local delivery and pick-up within NYC area. For Shipping Inquiries, please reach out to :

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